2021-03-03 Released v2.2.6

Simple Budget V2.2.6 has been released.  This update has a few nice upgrades plus a lot of smaller adjustments and fixes.

Fund Details Report with bar graphs showing the percent of the monthly budget spent.

The first upgrade to show is visible in the “View Fund Details” report.  As seen in the screenshot above, I’ve added a small bar graph for each fund.  The bar graph measures the percent amount of the monthly budget spent or deposited in the current month.   For expenses, the bar graphs are color coded.  If the amount spent is below 75% of the monthly budget, the graph is green.  From 75% to 100% the graph is yellow, and if the amount spent is greater that the monthly budget, the  color is red.  Overspending a monthly budget is not necessarily bad, for example, if you have been saving for several months for a purchase, then make the purchase, the amount spent will be above the monthly budgeted amount.  That is ok.   The color codes will help you look at a quick glance at those expenses and help you decide if they are ok or not.  All deposit (Income Funds) graphs are green.

Funds Detail Report sorted by the percent of the monthly budget spent, greater to least.

I’ve also added a “Sort Exp %” button which will sort the funds by the greater percent to lower as seen in the screenshot above.  This way, you can see, from greater to less, at a glance, which fund spending you might have to keep an eye on during the month.

Fund Details printed report with the addition of the “% of Bgt” column.

The printed report includes and additional column next to the -Debits (Expense) column that shows the percent spent of the monthly budget.  The report does not show the percent amount for Income funds.  The report will print in the sort order selected.

The “View Fund YTD Detail Report” now included additional information in the last two columns.

The next major addition to V2.2.6 of Simple Budget is in the “View Funds YTD Details” report.  I’ve added information in last two columns as shown in the screenshot above.  These two columns can be used at the end of the year to see if any Fund’s monthly budget amounts might need to be adjusted for the next year.  It can also be used all during the year to see how actual spending compares with budgeted.

In the “Total Exp/Inc” column, I’ve added two lines indicating the percent that this fund has spent (or deposited) of the total of all the Income Funds.  This will help if you want or need to keep a particular fund below a certain percent of total income.

In the Avg Mo Exp/Inc column, I’ve added two lines indicating the percent of the Average Monthly Expense of a fund compared to the current budgeted amount for the fund.  If the budget has been laid out properly, the percent of the “Average Expense” should be less than 100%.  If you find that, on average, your expenses for a particular fund are greater than 100% of the budgeted amount, you may have to look at your spending habits, or make adjustments to your budgeted amounts.  If a certain fund consistently has a low percentage, you may be able to lower the Budget Amount for that fund and place the excess amount in a more needed fund.  As with any other report, this is only a guide.  There may be situations that you know an average percent will be low or high, such as saving long term for a purchase, or a periodic purchase that has had be made knowing there won’t be another one for some time.   These are just tools available to help  you along.  They help me, so I put the in Simple Budget.

You can see more detail about all of the changes and bug fixes in this version on the Change Log page.

2019-12-23 Released v2.1.7

Simple Budget V2.1.7 has been released.  Here are the highlights of this release.

Charts are printable

You can now print any of the charts and graphs along with the reports.

Charts and Graphs are now printable!

Backups are Changed

As of V2.1.7 of Simple Budget, backups are a bit different.

  • First, backups are now saved in the format like this:  CURRENT_BACKUP_20191228-181947.SB
    What does that all mean? Here is the scoop.  The format is: CURRENT_BACKUP_YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.SB where YYYY is the four digit year, MM is the two digit month, DD is the two digit day of the month, hh is the two digit hour in 24 hour time, mm is the two digit minute, and ss is the two digit second that the backup was mad.
  • Simple Budget keeps up to 10 backups at a time.  The oldest is deleted as a new one is created.
  • A backup is made every time Simple Budget saves its default data file CURRENT.SB.
  • If you open a backup file with “File” – “Open”, you can use it as usual.  When it is time to close Simple Budget, or save the file through “File – “Save”, Simple Budget will ask you if you want to restore the file as your default CURRENT.SB data file.  If you select “Yes”, your current CURRENT.SB file will be over written by the back file.  If you select “No”, no file is saved.  Your current CURRENT.SB file will remain as it was, and any changes you made to the backup file will not be saved.  The backup file will remain unchanged.


Along with these highlights, there were numerous other small changes and bug fixes.  You can see about them on the Change Log page.