2021-04-07 Released v2.2.7

This release contains three added features and some bug fixes.

The first item you will notice, is when Simple Budget is opened for the first time after an update, a list of the new features will be shown with a brief description.

The second main feature included with this update, is the ability to specify a “Default Account” when entering Expense and Income transactions.  Go to the “Budget” menu and select “Accounts”.  Here you will be able to select a “Default” account by checking the checkbox next to the account you use most often.  Then, when you go to enter a transaction, the “Default Account” will be automatically selected.  This is handy if the account  you use the most, is not alphabetically the first, since the first one would normally be selected by default.

Select a “Default” Account by checking the checkbox next to the Account name.
When using a “Default Account” it will be automatically selected when you enter the “Transaction/Transfer” form.

The third feature added with this version of Simple Budget, is the ability for Simple Budget to automatically create several PDF Report when a “New Period” is processed.  The PDF Reports will be stored in a folder called “Reports” in the data directory.  If you don’t want the reports to be generated, click “Select None”, or check and uncheck the ones you want to be generated.  You can easily open the data directory by selecting the “Help” menu and clicking “Open Working Folder” and select the “Reports” folder to view the reports.  A PDF reader must be installed on your computer to view the files.  You can generate the reports any time by selecting the “View/Reports” menu and clicking “Generate PDF Reports”.  The reports are time stamped and will not over write each other.  You must manually delete the reports if you don’t want them.

Reports can be generated automatically when a “New Period” is processed for the data of the previous period. If you don’t want any reports generated, click “Select None”.